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Friday 5 October 2012

Deey's Speech...

Today is the day I choose to take off the cover.
Today is the day we all meet.
Today is the day I let yoU in on my thoughts
Today is the day I become a blogger
This day, I choose to let myself use my talent
and for someone other than myself.
Today, you all get to start to see the real me..
all the different sides to me that have had me perplexed as well
Today I become accountable via this blog, to yoU all,
and to all the possibilities my talent has to offer.

Starting this day,
I choose to stop hiding...
I choose to stop procrastinating...
I choose to let it all out..
I choose to let go of fear..
I choose to share...
I choose to choose!
I choose to write!

On this day,
I become the blogger; deey.
I share my heart;
that's where lies this talent.
I resort to start this humble call
as I introduce myself to yoU all
On this day people,
we become a couple.
or We become friends!