Instant Click

Monday 4 January 2016


Caption: Jan 4 - A kiss goodbye to a sociopath

I wish you a year of clarity
Twenty sixteen 
This year, 
We will stop avoiding our fears
Or burying our pains
We will be bold 
And our strengths will grow
Stroke of luck will strike us
Happiness will find us
The adventures we will seek
Will only lead our souls to peace

I wish you a year of merry
Twenty sixteen
This year,
The few you had will increase to many
Your labor will be skewed by favor
The temptations of failure may cycle 
But will pass you by
The guidance you shall find
Will leap you forward

I wish you a year of plenty
To feel only happiness at every chance
To feel content at any change
To meet only the right people
To travel within and without your mind
You will bloom 
This year
Twenty sixteen!
We will move