Instant Click

Friday 2 May 2014


"When the hunter hunts what does he do?"

He wears himself a sleeping scent
To scout through thick woods for a better catch,

"And when he makes his choice,
What does he do?"

He sets his arrow to get his target,
Or tiptoes his dance for a close range hit

"And when he has made his hit,
What does he do?"

He drags it out to lay for slaughter
Lays its out prepared for his gourmand's fill

"And when he has had his fill,
What does he do?"

He goes on to prey again!

"I ask in confusion of fears
I wish this time he'd hunt not for the kill
But with a drive to shelter its prey"

"Does he tiptoe a dance prolonged against his hunter's norm?
Does he parade his catch as his best ever hunt?"
Or does he go on to prey again?!

"Tell me,
What does this hunter do?!"


Aby Purpleheart said...

Hi Dorcas...i nominated your blog for the Liebster awards, please check my blog for more details.

Unknown said...

Thanks Aby.