Instant Click

Wednesday 19 November 2014


When someone makes you feel this way...What's his/her name? Enjoy
Picture Credit:

"Run away with me
Whisper with me this daring thought
For I've dreamed how this could happen
Oh Optimist is what you've made me;
Hear the chuckles in my voice

Regardless of so many "may-bes"
I'm going to listen to my choice
If at this point,
You should ever leave me
You'll definitely be leaving me distraught;
With no perfect thoughts to feed a hungry emotions
And very desire starved!

If you had thought you'd ever live a movie tale
Why not this, this time
Because if you're unfit to try such things
Fear is going to blow up your heart,
leaving emptiness scattered all over your face

Please my darling,
If you're feeling in my point
Come on and
Run away with me"

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