Instant Click

Sunday 25 October 2015

Stars, the moon and wind will carry me...

Water color painting: Self-destruction

My excuses lingered on..
More lies to tell myself:
Another hand will lean in..

Stars, the moon and wind will carry me
Stars, the moon and wind will carry me
Make, until one more one will listen
Whilst I'm falling apart:

Tired and leaned out
No one on the ground to fold me in
A bunch of lies weared them out
And unto tears and bruises
Even my lips have forsaken me
I barely recall a last false tale
ALAS, they have turned their backs on me

My hands are dirty and dready
Those who tried to touch them
Barely made it enough to tell the tale
It died in their silence
I died in need

I mean, I yearned in deep need
But those who yearned with me ran in fear to live that long
Each day they drown in a bunch of my lies
Lies I created masking my inner tighs
Lies that lingered on until...
I had lied to my lies saying,
"It was fine"
"It is fine!"

Stars, the moon and wind will move
They will stop to care..
And suddenly stop caring;
Leave my shine to drown and die
While they carry on only remembering;
A diamond once found and thought to be carried along

"For they were weak!
They are all weak!
And they failed
They failed me!
It is fine.
I am fine."
My excuses lingered on. 


Unknown said...

Very lovely poetry ...I love d part wia u " had to lied to my lie" .... I love it .

Unknown said...

Very lovely poetry ...I love d part wia u " had to lied to my lie" .... I love it .

Unknown said...

Very lovely poetry ...I love d part wia u " had to lied to my lie" .... I love it .

Spilling Willie said...

Nice.. I like the indirect approach. Very deep. "Lies I created masking my inner tighs"

Unknown said...
